
Orders are shipped within 24-48 business hours after receiving your order and payment. Please note that we are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and major holidays. Orders placed on these days will be processed on the first following business day by the sequences of order received.

Delivery by UPS takes 3-5 business days for USA domestic delivery and 7-14 days for international orders, excluding the pick-up day. The choice of delivery service, either UPS or the US Postal service, will be determined based on the most cost-effective and efficient option available. However, UPS does not guarantee delivery days. Please refer to UPS's latest updated delivery terms and conditions. To ensure timely delivery, we recommend planning your order as soon as possible. If your packages are delayed, please contact your local UPS or postal offices.

Once your order has been shipped, any changes or modifications are subject to the terms and conditions of the carrier. We will assist you in making changes that accommodate your requests. Please note that any additional fees incurred will be the responsibility of the receiver, if applicable.

To avoid any potential disputes regarding shipping charges, we do not accept freight collect shipping. We appreciate your understanding.

All orders are shipped from FOB Cerritos, California. Reimbursement for lost packages is limited to the per box limit based on the chosen shipping option. To ensure secure delivery, it is highly recommended to include signature or insurance options at an additional cost according to the carrier's rate chart. Any special requests or instructions can be left in the comment box during the ordering process. Additional charges for these requests will be added to your order once it is ready to ship.

In the event of an incorrect address, an address correction fee and reroute fee will be applied to your account upon receipt of UPS's bill.