Wholesale handbags, Wholesale fashion bags, wholesale handbags Purses, designer's inspired handbags, evening bags, clutches, Wholesale Scarves, Designer wraps, shawls, Ponchos, belts, caps, hats.
Welcome to FashionWholesaler.com, the trusted source for a wide range of fashion accessories. FashionWholesaler, formerly known as Gifts-Pontier.com, has been a pioneer in the B2B business since 1999. Our commitment lies in providing you with essential products and impeccable customer service through our passion and innovative solutions.
In the early days, FashionWholesaler embarked on its B2B journey when online businesses were just emerging. Our success in the online fashion accessories industry paved the way for other wholesale businesses to follow suit. With a background in manufacturing hair accessories and a deep love for fashion, FashionWholesaler expanded its product line to include fashion handbags. By listening to our customers' needs, we have incorporated a wide variety of fashion accessories, creating a one-stop shop for all your fashion needs.
Our product range covers everything from head to toe, catering to various fashion requirements and occasions such as business promotions, holiday gifts, events, parties, and now even the wedding industry. From wedding gowns to hairpieces, purses, and bridal maid gift bags, FashionWholesaler has you covered.
We take pride in serving customers internationally, spanning from North America to South America, Europe to Asia, and even reaching Australia and New Zealand. Our success in expanding into new markets is a testament to our reputation for honesty, post-sales support, prompt delivery, round-the-clock availability for customized orders, and our dedication to customer feedback. While we strive to continuously improve, our team members are empowered to go above and beyond to ensure a "wow" experience for our customers upon receiving our products.